Wii Deleted You

2006, A Year That the 7th Generation Of game consoles release. Some may think that 2006 was the best year of gaming. But to me, it exists as a painful memory One that will just not go Away!
I Got a Nintendo Wii for my seventh birthday on November 28th 2006 about nine days after the Wii launched. I still remember the moment when my dad gave me the present, and then I ripped it open “Woah A Wii!, Thanks Dad!” I said in happiness. After that, my dad had a bit of work to do and I begged him to help set it Up. When he was done he finally helped me set up the Wii in the living room. What surprised me about the Wii was the controller, It reminded me more of a TV Remote. After my dad set it up he left me to play. I was going to play Wii Sports but something else caught my eye. The Mii Channel, So I opened that up Instead. But when I got into the Mii Channel it was a single Mii there.
I clicked him and found out that the Mii’s name was: Eteled. The name Eteled didn’t make sense to me. Untill I looked closer to the letters and found that It was backwards for ‘Delete’, I took a good look at Eteled, He Was Bold And had a big smiling mouth with giant eyes and small nose. He started to creep me out so I Deleted Him.
I then decided to make Mii Version Of me, So I clicked the button to make a new Mii and made my Mii Kyle, Because that was my name, Kyle! But when I went back to the Mii Plaza area Eteled was back with the same creepy look. So I deleted him with the first chance I got. I was a little creeped out but I decided to forget all about it and play Wii Sports.
I Like Wii Sports!, it was a compilation of Five sports. Tennis, Baseball, Bowling, Golf And Boxing. I decided to play bowling because it was my favourite sport. My Mii was in a bowling alley with other mii’s occasionally I see the Mii in the lane next to mine. I did a throw and I did see it. The Mii got a strike and turned around to celebrate. But the Mii‘s Face Looked exactly like Eteled’s. And I assumed it was him. So I quit Wii Sports And Went Back To the Mii Channel before I could delete Eteled. A Dialogue box appeared saying
“Why are you trying to delete me?”
I started getting creeped out and I spoke out: What, What, What Do You Mean? I said, I didn’t think it would have heard me but strangely it did
”You Know What I Mean.”
I Spoke Out Again: I, I just Don’t want you on my Mii Channel, I, I’m Sorry!. I Said
the words changed again.
It said, but that’s when I realized I was speaking to Eteled.
The Dialogue Box disappeared and it revealed the scariest picture I’ve ever seen!, it was a picture of Eteled’s face, with the same creepy features but more gruesome. His eyes were replaced with gaping holes of blood pouring down. I was so scared that I clicked the home button and ran to my dad, he was on the phone so I waited for him to finish.
”D-D-DAD!, There’s something wrong with my Wii!”, I Said In a scared voice, I lead my dad to the Living Room And I turned off the home menu and surprisingly it looked normal. My Dad said I was probably just playing too much and asked that I should take a break.
So I did. I pressed the home menu button again and it took a 15 Minute Break. But when I came back to the Wii and turned off the home menu a Animation played my Mii being deleted?.
Then a dialogue box appeared saying: “Goodbye Kyle“ and then the Mii Channel automatically turned off and went back to the homescreen. I Tried To Get back Into The Mii Channel But everytime i did. A dialogue box appeared saying:
”WII DELETED YOU” And would take me back to the Wii menu and, I soon realized that Eteled somehow deleted me in a way that I couldn’t make anymore mii’s so that meant no matter what game I played, I always had to play Eteled.
Transcript From IceyPie’s Wii Deleted You Creepypasta.